• Welcome to Emotional Wellness Center

    Welcome to Our Office! I think you are going to like what you see! Sometimes there are challenges in our lives that keep us from being and feeling our best. Whatever challenges you may be facing … Read More

    Welcome to Emotional Wellness Center
  • About Us

    I love what I do! I love to make a difference and I love to see both the quick, short-term changes and the long-term permanent changes that counseling provides. What could be more rewarding! I’ve been … Read More

    About Us
  • Our Services

    Your challenge may be very specific or it may be more general in nature. Here is a list of just some of the things that can be addressed and respond well to therapy: … Read More

    Our Services

Contact Us


4640 Lipscomb Street, Suite 15
Palm Bay, FL 32905

Office Hours

8:00AM – 7:00PM
Occasional Saturdays
By Appointment Only


Inspiration, motivation and transformation…Bridging the gap to relational well-being.

"There is much talk today about wellness; preventing illness, keeping people healthy and improving the quality of life. However, our emotional well-being is often overlooked. Emotional Wellness refers to an awareness, understanding and acceptance of our feelings, and our ability to manage life effectively through challenges and change." - NationalCenterforEmotionalWellness.org

The Emotional Wellness Center provides a safe environment to explore concerns, resolve problems and learn effective techniques to heal from emotional distresses, financial worry and relationship struggles.

Together we explore the causes of your pain and work towards not only relief of pain but a greater understanding of yourself, others and your life.

Our practice focuses on Relationship, Financial & Spiritual Counseling. We also offer the following additional services: Positive Psychology, Blended Families, and Premarital Counseling, Military Families Deployment and Reintegration, Managing Financial Stress, Safe Conversation and Imago Relationship Counseling, Stress Management, Communication skill building, EFT, Hypnotherapy and phone and skype counseling, Couples Intensives and Singles Retreats.
We are dedicated to inspiring you to make the best and most effective decisions. The journey to emotional wellness maximizes your potential to live a healthier, happy, and fulfilling life.

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Offering video (Zoom & Skype, Doxie.me) and phone counseling. Call us at 321-288- 0692 or sign up for an appointment just by clicking here. We look forward to working with you.

Relationship, Financial & Spiritual Counseling

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